Provision target deployment infrastructure dynamically with Terraform
You can use Terraform in Harness CD pipeline stages for ad hoc provisioning or to provision the target deployment infrastructure for the stage.
This topic provides a brief overview of the steps involved in provisioning a CD stage's target deployment infrastructure using the Terraform Plan and Apply steps.
This topic also covers some important requirements.
Terraform dynamic infrastructure provisioning summary
Setting up dynamic provisioning involves adding Terraform scripts to the stage Environment settings that provision the pipeline stage's target infrastructure.
Next, you map specific, required script outputs to the Harness Infrastructure Definition for the stage, such as the target namespace.
During deployment, Harness provisions the target deployment infrastructure and then the stage's Execution steps deploy to the provisioned infrastructure.
Dynamic provisioning steps for different deployment types
Each of the deployment types Harness supports (Kubernetes, AWS ECS, etc.) require that you map different Terraform script outputs to the Harness infrastructure settings in the pipeline stage.
To see how to set up dynamic provisioning for each deployment type, go to the following topics:
- Kubernetes infrastructure
- The Kubernetes infrastructure is also used for Helm, Native Helm, and Kustomize deployment types.
- Azure Web Apps
- AWS Lambda
- Spot Elastigroup
- Google Cloud Functions
- framework for AWS Lambda
- Tanzu Application Services
- VM deployments using SSH
- Windows VM deployments using WinRM
Important: install Terraform on delegates
Terraform must be installed on the Delegate to use a Harness Terraform Provisioner. You can install Terraform manually or use the INIT_SCRIPT
environment variable in the Delegate YAML.
See Build custom delegate images with third-party tools.
# Check if microdnf is installed
if ! command -v microdnf &> /dev/null
echo "microdnf could not be found. Installing..."
yum install -y microdnf
# Update package cache
microdnf update
# Install Terraform
microdnf install -y terraform
Dynamic provisioning steps
These steps assume you've created a Harness CD stage before. If Harness CD is new to you, see Kubernetes CD Quickstart.
We'll start in the stage's Infrastructure section because the Service settings of the stage don't have specific settings for Terraform provisioning. The Service manifests and artifacts will be deployed to the infrastructure provisioned by Harness and Terraform.
In the CD stage, click Infrastructure. If you haven't already specified your Environment, and selected the Infrastructure Definition, do so.
The type of Infrastructure Definition you select determines what Terraform outputs you'll need to map later.
In Dynamic provisioning, click Provision your infrastructure dynamically during the execution of your pipeline.
The default Terraform provisioning steps appear:
Harness automatically adds the Terraform Plan, Harness Approval, and Terraform Apply steps. You can change these steps, but plan, approve, and apply is the most common process. We use that process in our Terraform documentation.
Terraform Plan step
The Terraform Plan step is where you connect Harness to your repo and add your Terraform scripts.
- In Name, enter a name for the step, for example, plan.
Harness will create an Entity Id using the name. The Id is very important. It's used to refer to settings in this step.
For example, if the Id of the stage is terraform and the Id of the step is plan, and you want to echo its timeout setting, you would use:
- In Timeout, enter how long Harness should wait to complete the Terraform Plan step before failing the step.
- In Command, select Apply. Even though you are only running a Terraform plan in this step, you identify that this step can be used with a Terraform Apply step later.
Provisioner Identifier
- Enter a unique value in Provisioner Identifier.
The Provisioner Identifier identifies the provisioning done in this step. You use the Provisioner Identifier in additional steps to refer to the provisioning done in this step.
The most common use of Provisioner Identifier is between the Terraform Plan and Terraform Apply steps. To have the Terraform Apply step apply the provisioning from this Terraform Plan step, you use the same Provisioner Identifier in both steps.
Provisioner Identifier Scope
The Provisioner Identifier is a Project-wide setting. You can reference it across Pipelines in the same Project.
For this reason, it's important that all your Project members know the Provisioner Identifiers. This will prevent one member building a Pipeline from accidentally impacting the provisioning of another member's Pipeline.